Small, cheap thick tomato paste + purchase price, properties, use and uses

One of the best taste and high consumption in food is tomato paste, which has various properties, applications and uses and various types of it are available including thick, small and large, that you can buy from this collection at a low price.

Tomato paste is one of the most expensive foods that is almost universally consumed by Iranians that mainly serves Iranian foods with an extraordinary flavor and color.

In former times, they used to prepare tomato paste at home, but these days it is processed in factories despite the complex machines and equipment it produces.

Steps of Tomato Paste Production in Factory:

First, wash the good and high quality tomatoes well with special device for 5 minutes until the soil and flower on the tomato is completely destroyed and cleaned.

After that, he took tomatoes on a special wing using a lift to check for human forces in the tomato area and extract spoiled and moldy tomatoes, all of which are left intact.

In the next stage, they transfer the tomatoes to a special one so that they can be pushed and crushed, and then separated the peels and seeds.

Later, using a vacuum system they evaporate the excess water of the tomatoes, which in turn causes the paste to shrink and then add salt to it when baking.

Finally they fill the tomato paste in the glass and metal ovens in different weights and then it’s qualitatively controlled.

All the stages of producing tomato paste are done according to the health points.

Properties of tomato paste

This popular condiment, meaning tomato paste, has many properties and we will discuss some of it.

Tomato paste is rich in nutrients and contains a great amount of antioxidants, iron and potassium. It is because of its antioxidant it releases activated radicals and prevents premature aging.

Tomato paste has a large amount of lycopene that protects cells against destructive agents and helps improve intestinal conditions.

Due to the presence of vitamin C, it increases collagen and prevents skin from damage.

Most importantly, tomato and tomato paste prevent men from getting prostate to large.

Additionally, there are many people who mix tomato paste with oil and use it as a mask on their hair, helping prevent hair from drying and causing hair to shine and smoothly.

Application and uses of tomato paste

As mentioned above, tomato paste is a kind of flavor and color that has various applications and uses.

Tomato paste is used in most foods like Bactrian stew, pasta, omelet, etc., which gives the food an extraordinary taste, but in addition to flavoring it has other benefits:

– Strengthening the digestive system

– Help reduce blood pressure

– Help prevent bowel problems

– Prevent the incidence of gallstones

– Consumption of tomatoes and tomatoes during pregnancy is recommended because it has folic acid, which prevents the development of defects in the nerve tube of the fetus.

In general, tomatoes have many properties, and we just said a few things, but we recommend it on a daily basis

thick tomato paste

A large group of people these days prefer to buy their own tomato paste and tomato sauce at home so that they know the production process and its concentration and thinness.

How to make tomato paste at home:

To prepare your home tomato paste, first try to select the big and fleshy tomatoes, then wash them well and let the tomatoes dry completely.

After drying, chop them in small pieces and allow the tomatoes to relax completely with some salt for 12 hours.

After the said time, take the tomatoes out of the pot and put them in a basket of water or nets and smooth them by hand to separate the skin and eggs.

After smoothing the tomato, put it on heat and let it boil slowly until it reaches the concentration and add some salt and oil to it again.

In this step, your paste is ready, put it away and let it cool, then pour it into a suitable dish that is dry and make the lid well.

Note that a drop of water in a tomato paste will cause it to mold.

Cheap tomato paste

One of the factors that affect the quality and quality of tomato paste is tomato that is also important in its high price.

Tomato paste is supposed to be quite ripe and fleshy so that the product has a high flavor and concentration.

For this reason, organic paste available in the market is offered at different prices and its quality is reflected in the product price.

So try not to look for cheap product when buying, because it may not have good quality.

small tomato paste

Factories and manufacturers, in different weights, small and large, produce and ship tomato paste.

Tomato paste is produced in cans weighing 500g, 700g, 800g and more. In addition, coagulation design is in such a way that a plastic door is placed on it after opening the metal door. This lid is placed on the can which has caused the paste not to mold inside it.You can also use different kinds of glass lid for better maintenance.

If you don’t have any mold for your paste, you should not dip a wet spoon in the paste because it causes moisture in the paste and causes damage.

The purchase price of tomato paste

If you want to buy products you need online and non-in-person like Sweet Pepper Paste we offer you this site because it offers high quality tomato paste and other products to your customers.

The products of this site are completely natural and organic and healthy and you can buy from this collection with a relaxed idea.