Aseptic tomato paste for export

Aseptic tomato paste is a process of tomato paste that is packed in such a way that it does not need to be refrigerated.
Tomato paste factories often package this product in bulk or spatio form, then send it to packaging factories to produce tomato paste in glass and cans packaging.

Aseptic tomato paste

Certain food products are placed in open conditions that lead to spoilage, resulting in a health hazard.
Food packaging is very important for this reason.
One of the most sensitive food products is tomato paste.
The paste in case of no packaging or aseptic, and maintenance in poor conditions, will quickly become corrupted and mildew; the aseptic tomato paste must be properly packaged and by maintaining sterilization, because the packaging is very important for consumers as well as vendors.
The Aseptic tomato paste has become very popular today.

Aseptic is quite different from bulk packaging.
Aseptic packaging usually increases the shelf life of paste and prevents the decay of tomato paste out of the cold store, while bulk paste should be kept in the cold store.

Tomato paste is an export-aseptic paste and it has made it very popular.
Generally the most important advantage of aseptic tomato paste is that it can be stored in the outside space as well.
The aseptic process consists of three general steps.
In the first step, the thermal sterilization of the paste is done.
In the next stage, the sterilization of packing is done.
Finally, there are activities to maintain the sterilization during the packaging.
The purpose of packaging is to prevent damage and keep the products healthy.

For this reason, in all industries and fields of food, medicine, construction, clothing and … They do not use packaging to preserve products.

But if food products are not properly packaged, they can pose a serious danger to human health.
Tomato paste is one of the foods that decays into the air and absorbs pollution during free air and unsuitable temperatures.
Aseptic tomato paste is a product that is packed with all the sterilization principles and usually used for export.

For this reason, this type of tomato paste is very popular with consumers.
One of the earliest goals of presenting this kind of tomato paste is to provide physical protection of it.
Naturally, this packaging is used like all packaging to protect the paste from pouring.
This package is also made of allure penetration, dust, insects and … It prevents inside the tomato paste and for this reason it can increase the shelf life of the tomato paste.
One of the most important AFS-SPEC methods is the possibility of storing the paste packaging in the open space.

The price of Pastes paste is calculated based on its Brix:
· Order quantity
· Buy time
· Domestic sales
· Sales for export
· Buy from factory
· Buy from intermediates
The above items have an effect on the purchase price of Aseptic tomato paste, so buyers should pay attention to it during the purchase.

Also, customers can learn about price and shipping via cell phones and the sites of companies.
Since the aseptic tomato paste is also used for export, the quality of the paste is very important.
Thus, the tomato paste is made of fresh and high quality tomatoes.
To make the paste have an ideal color in addition to the taste.
In addition, the packaging is both qualitative and visual, as well as a strong link bridge between producers and consumers.

Export tomato paste

Aseptic packaging is a kind of packaging that makes it more durable in the outdoor and out-of-the-house.
Bulk samples should be kept in the cold storage, but this is not needed for the aseptic type. The export of Aseptic tomato paste has caused us to attract many foreign customers every day.
Aseptic tomato paste is produced from fresh tomato and is packed in bulk in foreign special bags with 36-38 brix per 220-kg barrels that causes the paste to last longer in free space and out of cold storage.
The tomato used in this product is quite intact and hand-crimped and it improves the quality and color of the tomato paste.
The differences between the aseptic tomato paste and the other paste are the same as its compounds.
It is of very high concentration and is quite pure.

No preservatives or salts are used in the production of this tomato paste. Due to the purity of the hundred percent aseptic paste, the final product is of high quality.
This type of packaging prevents any contamination, dust and germs from entering the paste.
Also, packaging helps to maintain the temperature required by the paste and increases its shelf-life in the free space.
Many tomato paste in glass, plastic, metal and… will be packed.
The most interesting thing about aseptic paste is that it is packaged in special bags and then put in metal barrels.
Different companies of Iran, Aseptic tomato paste in different dimensions and ozone with a production capacity of over 500 tons per day, are ready to supply this product to domestic producers and traders and can help export this product to the country.
Iranian food industry companies in recent years with all-steel Italian machinery, supply the needs of domestic and foreign markets such as Turkey, Iraq, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Russia, Greece, Ukraine and… have been and with the help of specialists in this field, they are trying to launch another device that is more capable.